Monday, April 25, 2011

Happiest of Birthdays Brian Keith Blair Jr.!

April 17th - what a great day in history. Apollo 13 went up on the 11th (Ryan Chase's Birthday) and came down on the 17th (Brian Keith's Birthday) and I always felt like it marked such a wondrous thing. It told me that my children might always give me some concerns, but in the end, we would all end up alive!

It was a great day. Every year, it is a great day. I have spent every single year for the last 21 years celebrating that day with one of the greatest hearts I have ever known.

I have great stories of my children, their wondrous hearts and heroic moments. Their laughter and their tears.

My oldest is a bright and sunny child. Born with bleach blond hair and big blue eyes - he was (and will always be) an amazing person. I have seen him go through phases of wearing black and dying his hair dark... I have seen him hate the sunshine, but never in all the darkness he has tried to create around himself - could he ever hide the bright shining light inside him. He is a smiling happy (adult) kid.

I didn't talk baby talk to my kids. I talked to them like I do everyone else, I read to them (literally) non-stop when they were kids. I told them they could be anything they wanted to be. I still believe that.

Happiest of Birthdays Brian - my first born and my sunshine child. I am so proud of you and I love you so much!

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