Friday, April 8, 2011

A dream...

After my earlier post - I took myself to the couch and took a nap - an exhaustion nap. I feel better. Three hours of sleep - literally something I never do - ever.

But I had the most amazing dream and wanted to write it down before I forgot (maybe I never will), but I dreamt my kids were babies again. Little babies - both of them and I got to hold them in my dream. I got to hug them and hold them and sit them in my lap and in my dream I knew it was a dream, but I kept telling myself - don't wake up - this will never happen again - you'll never get to go back in time and hold them. They'll never be the same age, they'll never be tiny, don't wake up. I knew I could hold them and hug them and play with them in my dream - I could literally feel them and smell them - don't wake up. It was the oddest sensation, the oddest feeling knowing that could never happen but still it was happening - don't wake up.

I wonder if that is why I slept for so long? Holding my kids and kissing on them like new mommies do... is was the best dream of my entire life. The best dream ever.

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