Monday, October 24, 2011

Forty - Three.... Scaaaaaary!

So, day after tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th, I'll be 43 years old. Funny thing, by this time of the month my Mom has already asked me like 15 times what I want to do for my birthday. I haven't heard a peep out of anybody. Except the hubs. I know he remembers.

When you fall off the face of the earth (or facebook)... no one ever remembers LOL, but truthfully, I am not even worried... I think if no one remembers then technically we should get to go without that year. So, like truthfully, I should be 42 already and one more - well, that would put me back to 41... so I'll take that.

Here is to the world being busy and not really being a part of it. LOL! Yeah me! Oh, so, last week, I aced my statistics test, aced (more than aced) my Music App. mid-term, and aced a geology quiz and lab... so the time for work has been well used. Now, I'm off to study for the mid-term in Geology - which I am hoping goes swimmingly well.


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