Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I quit.

That's right - I dropped off facebook today. I doubt seriously that anyone will notice. This is fine. I only have one person that follows my blog, which truth be told - they probably never read it. Sometimes, you have to wonder if the fewer people there are that actually know you the less likely you are to be volunteered for anything or invited to anything.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I watch the kids that I'm friends with (mostly friends - or old friends - of my own children) and some of my nieces and nephews and their potty mouths - and their pouty mirrored bathroom pictures - I found myself completely annoyed on a daily basis. Not with my kids - my kids wouldn't dare humiliate me in public like that... there would be a price to pay. Seriously - I've been deleting people off my friend's list for a while, the logical next step was for me to delete myself. Finally, my mother-in-law joins - just about the time - I've had enough (and I love her).

My life is hectic right now. I have so much homework that I'm buried - 9 hours of homework today and I'm looking at MINIMUM the same number of hours tomorrow... so why facebook? I really didn't have time for it anyway. No one really cares what I might have to say (or not say)... so I'll keep posting my thoughts on life and such - here - my voice in to the black unknown - where it will go without eyes upon it... falling empty in to the vacuous void of the internet.

I'm disappearing... but no one is noticing... which I suppose that is fine too.


  1. silly girl. like i didn't notice. i understand completely though. I would love it if you'd keep me up to date how school is going. you have my email?

  2. I have it girlie... my daughter, however, made me - reactivate my facebook account... she didn't like Daddy not looking married. So funny. But I'm swearing off it just the same. Too much going on - when I get through this semester - I'll fill you in (it is a nightmare right now).

  3. since you haven't been on fb, you probably didn't see that I got my invitation to the Hill College Spring Commencement ceremonies yesterday :-) I'll still have to take 4 more classes there to transfer but still. squee.
