Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Ordinary Day

I found a new site yesterday ( and was reading the story "Just an Ordinary Day" and thought to myself - I have so many of these. Some days I get lost in the "ordinary days", the crazy moments of trying to finish all my homework and the exams I have coming up, while helping my sophomore study for his world history test or helping my 8th grader with her algebra homework. I get lost in the remodeling that seems to be a never ending process, or the words, "Mom, I need some more clean clothes", paying the bills, "what's that new rattle in the car?” - so many things that sum an ordinary day.

I appreciate ordinary days - especially when I am reminded to appreciate them. Like maybe, there won't BE a tomorrow. Or that cough that won't go away - even though you quit smoking almost a year ago... what is that? We are ending a long and tedious process in one of the rooms in our house and I am so thankful that God allowed us to get it done.

My children are exploring new churches in search of a great youth program. My prayers are with them as they struggle through all of the churches that aren't right for them (and perhaps decide that following Mom is really the best route).

I am thankful that I am getting to go to college. I pray I get to finish.

I am thankful for a husband that loves me and I know it. I never doubt it in my heart. Much like Christ's love for me. My faith never waivers, I know that His love is there. Cradling my soul.

Here is to your ordinary day - may they be plentiful.

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